
Posts Tagged ‘Ransomware’

Must-Read Articles

October 5, 2017 Comments off

From time-to-time, we’ll post links to articles in this file you will likely find of particular interest. Send us a link (in comments)  if there’s something you feel our readers need to know about!


Keranger: the first “in-the-wild” ransomware for Macs. But certainly not the last.

“Keranger was the first – but now experts see ransomware-as-a-service that enables interested ‘customers’ to purchase Mac-hostile ransomware.”

KRACK Wi-Fi vulnerabilities and the Mac OS/iOS Universe

“Apple has already patched serious vulnerabilities in the WPA2 Wi-Fi standard that protects many modern Wi-Fi networks, the company told iMore’s Rene Ritchie this morning.“

Russian Hackers Stole NSA Data on U.S. Cyber Defense (Kaspersky Labs)
Wall Street Journal

The hackers appear to have targeted the contractor after identifying the files through the contractor’s use of a popular antivirus software made by Russia-based Kaspersky Lab…

Critical Code in Millions of Macs Isn’t Getting Apple’s Updates

Researchers dug into the deep-seated, arcane code in Apple machines known as EFI, and found it’s often dangerously neglected. Read the full story