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State Recycling Programs & Disposal Restrictions

October 25, 2014

Recycle LogoThanks to Verizon Wireless for providing this great list of sites across the U.S. where you can recycle electronics.

Some states have established electronic waste recycle programs, including many that are free to consumers.

Recyclemac comment: Why are there only 13 states out there doing this kind of thing? IF your state is NOT LISTED let us know and we’ll add them here..

Note: North Carolina, Vermont and Wisconsin prohibit the disposal of netbook computers, tablets and in Wisconsin, cellphones, in solid waste landfills. Other states may have similar restrictions. More information is available on the websites identified above

Protect your Personal Data

Most recyclers will attempt to erase data from refurbished or recycled devices. However, it is good practice to purge your personal data – your contact list, photos, text messages, etc. – before giving it over to a recycler (or passing it to a family member or friend).

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